EWU Intra University Math Olympiad
04 Dec, 2022

We agree with William Paul Thurston that, "Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms; it is all about UNDERSTANDING"
Last Saturday 22 october, East West University Science Club (EWUScC) achieved a great success on organizing Intra University Math Olympiad (IUMO) 2022. It was the long awaited signature program after pandemic. Last we organized it in 2019 and now in 2022. We have our guests here
1. Dr. Mohammad Abdur Rahman
Department of Mathematics
National University
2. Dr. Akter Hossain
Assistant Professor
Department Of Mathematical & Physical Science
Moderator of EWUScC
East West University
3. Rupali Ghosh
Departmemt of Pharmacy
Moderator of EWUScC
East West University
4. Abdullah Sohail
3rd place winner of IUMO 2019
East West University
And the Winners of IUMO 2022 are,
1. Tanvir Taher
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
2. Md. Ashikur Rahman
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
3. Amir Khabbab Ahmad
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
4. Swachal Chandra Ghosh
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
5. Zarin Tasnim Nuzhat
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
After this olympiad we also had a conference with DU Science Society. Here we had 3 guest with us,
1. Mahmuda Kabir Shawon
Dhaka University Science Society
2. Sayma Akter Sadia
Vice President
Dhaka University Science Society
3. Arko Ayon Chowdhury
General Secretary
Dhaka University Science Society
Thanks to the students of East West University for participating and showing your excitement about IUMO. We ensure that something big is coming for you all from EWUScC. Tune in for that.